
Balchik is situated in the north-east part of the Bulgarian Black Sea shore, 40 km from Varna and 20 km from Kavarna.
Balchik is situated on the sea shore, in a region with moderate continental climate. The average temperature in July is 22 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the sea water during the summer reaches 24 degrees Celsius.

The town was established 26 centuries ago by Greek settlers named Krunes. In the 6th century BC the town was named after the Greek God of wine and joy – Dionysus – Dionisiopolis.

The sea resort of Albena is situated in close proximity to Balchik. The two destinations are connected by a sea shore alley called Dambata. It begins from the yacht port, passes by the Palace and reaches Albena, as its total length is 7300 meters.

There are three modern golf courses in close proximity to Balchik. There are also other interesting places in the region – the village of Kranevo, the rock capital of Bulgaria – town of Kavarna, as well as many camping sites. The reservation of the Kaliakra fortress is also near. Balchik and the region around it offer diverse accommodation, catering and entertainment options.